The Student/ Faculty Senate relies upon the Lexington High School administration to implement and enforce the policies that the Senate passes. Although this work is usually done in good faith, the administration has occasionally been lax in fulfilling its responsibility. Therefore, the Senate feels compelled to direct the administration’s attention and that of the school community at large to the following bills, some of which have never been enforced, others of which demand renewed and constant vigilance. The Senate asks that these policies receive the attention that they merit:
Bill 3-1989, the Phone Privacy Bill, which precludes students from answering the telephone in administrative offices. Bill 5-1989, the Skate boarding Bill, which prohibits skate boarding on school grounds from 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Bill 2-1990, the Aluminum Can Recycling Bill, which calls for prominent receptacles next to each aluminum can vending machine on campus and other procedures designed to encourage recycling. Bill 5-1990, the Class Service Project Bill, which calls for each class council to sponsor at least one event each academic year for the purpose of contributing to the school’s community service effort. Bill 1-1991, the Substitute Evaluation Bill, which delineates a procedure to be followed for the evaluation of substitutes by students and teacher.