In a given year, the number of parking spaces reserved for faculty and staff will equal the number of faculty and staff employed at the Lexington High School campus (including student teachers and LABB School employees). These spaces will be reserved and clearly marked for faculty and staff only. The remaining parking spaces will be available for seniors only (juniors after the seniors graduate) who will be issued stickers. Student parking stickers will be available to juniors beginning on the first school day in May and will be valid beginning on the day after graduation. No more than 30% more stickers than spaces will be issued to students. Juniors and sophomores who wish to drive to school will park in legal spaces on Worthen Road and therefore will not be required to have parking stickers. No student will be permitted to park in faculty / staff spaces and no faculty will be permitted to park in student spaces during school hours. The School Climate Committee of the Senate will be responsible for obtaining the staffing figures from the administration by April 1 of each year in order to determine the projected number of spaces needed for faculty and staff and each year at that time will determine how many student spaces will be available the following year. The School Climate Committee will also work with the assistant principal for buildings and grounds to determine how the spaces will be designated. The parking area behind C house will be designated as faculty/staff spaces.