Extended Homeroom Bill

Sponsored by LHS Student-Faculty Senate, passed on in 2012

Recently by the same author:

Revised Senate Attendance Bill

If an extended homeroom takes place on Tuesday, there will be an announcement in the homeroom meeting on the Thursday before the extended homeroom alerting students that an extended homeroom will take place. If an extended homeroom takes place on Thursday, there will be an announcement in the homeroom meting on the Tuesday before the extended homeroom alerting students that an extended homeroom will take place.


  1. When an extended homeroom takes place during the day, the first couple of blocks lose time and only last fifty minutes instead of fifty-five. Students who have first block free on an extended homeroom day have it shortened as well, but usually do not know that their free block ends five minutes earlier. As a result, they arrive to their next scheduled class five minutes late (assuming they plan on coming to school after their free block ends).
  2. Even though extended homerooms are announced on the school website, only a few people regularly check the website. An announcement in homeroom spreads the news more efficiently.