The Student-Faculty Senate feels school was opened on Thursday, January 13 under conditions that were dangerous to students and staff. Town sidewalks and sidewalks on the campus of LHS were not yet cleared of deep snow and many students and staff were forced to walk in the streets to get to school.
The Senate respectfully requests the district administration to answer the following questions:
Is there a school policy regarding opening schools when campus and/or town sidewalks are not clear?
If so, has this policy been changed recently?
The Senate reiterates its concern for safety following snowstorms as expressed in its 1989 Snow Day Resolution, which reads as follows:
“In order to ensure the safety of students and staff, decisions regarding school cancellations should be made based on the latest weather information and forecasts, road conditions in neighboring towns, and the Department of Public Works’ assurance of cleared roads, sidewalks, and school parking lots.”